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Does AeroFender work on any truck?
Yes, we have one version for Freightliners and a slightly different version for all other OEM brands.
Can I get this from the factory?
You can’t spec the AeroFender to be put on at the factory, but the Mod Centers are all able to quote and install the product so that it can be included in the initial cost of a new vehicle.
Can these be installed aftermarket?
Yes, you can easily replace your current fender with a new AeroFender, using the existing frame holes and/or mounting posts.
Where can I learn about the fuel savings claims?
MVT Solutions ran the FlowBelow AeroFender at their test track in November 2023 in a highly calibrated fuel efficiency test. Full testing data can be found at https://www.m-v-t-s.com/company/flowbelow/
Are there any color options?
Currently the AeroFender only comes in black.
How do you know the product works?
In addition to the MVT Solutions test run in November 2023, the product was track tested in 2021 with similar (though un-published) results. Additionally, we have been field testing with a major fleet for 3+ years. With over 1000 units installed and millions of miles driven, we are confident in the product’s durability and the fuel savings claims.
How can I buy AeroFender?
You can order them directly from FlowBelow by calling 512-524-4510, or you can buy them from your local dealer. For mod center installation, have your dealer contact Fontaine, Daimler CTS, Navistar TSC, or any major mod center for product and installation quotes.
What type of fleet will benefit most?
Any fleet that currently runs quarter fenders could benefit from the fuel savings that the AeroFender offers. They work on day cabs and sleepers, but may more typically be installed on trucks that don’t already have other Aero devices like fuel tank fairings or AeroKits.